R1000AX Specifications

R1000AX Specifications

Order R1000AX and other modules here.


R1000AX is a base board for the JuicyBoard platform. It includes 15 feature slots, efficient switching regulators with 5V and 3.3V outputs, power monitoring and safety features.


This is a block diagram of the board

Design Source Files

Design source files are available on GitHub.

Slot Distribution and Pin Assignment

Pin NameLQFP100 PinGPIOF1F2F3Juicy FunctionSocket NumberPin Order in Socket
P0[28]/SCL0/USB_SCL24P0[28]Reserved SCL0  I2C0

P0[27]/SDA0/USB_SDA25P0[27]Reserved SDA0  
P0[24]/AD0[1]/I2SRX_WS/CAP3[1]8P0[24]AD0[1]  ADC11
P0[23]/AD0[0]/I2SRX_CLK/CAP3[0]9P0[23]AD0[0]  ADC2
P1[31]/SCK1/AD0[5]20P1[31]SCK1AD0[5] ADC3
P1[30]/VBUS/AD0[4]21P1[30]VBUSAD0[4] ADC4
P2[3]/PWM1[4]/DCD1/TRACEDATA[2]70P2[3]PWM1[4]  PWM21
P2[2]/PWM1[3]/CTS1/TRACEDATA[3]73P2[2]PWM1[3]  PWM2
P2[1]/PWM1[2]/RXD174P2[1]PWM1[2]RXD1 PWM3
P2[0]/PWM1[1]/TXD175P2[0]PWM1[1]TXD1 PWM4
P1[25]/MCOA1/MAT1[1]39P1[25]   GPIO31
P1[24]/MCI2/PWM1[5]/MOSI038P1[24]   GPIO2
P1[23]/MCI1/PWM1[4]/MISO037P1[23]   GPIO3
P1[22]/MCOB0/USB_PWRD/MAT1[0]36P1[22]   GPIO4
P1[29]/MCOB2/PCAP1[1]/MAT0[1]45P1[29]   GPIO41
P1[28]/MCOA2/PCAP1[0]/MAT0[0]44P1[28]   GPIO2
P1[27]/CLKOUT/USB_OVRCR/CAP0[1]43P1[27]   GPIO3
P1[26]/MCOB1/PWM1[6]/CAP0[0]40P1[26]   GPIO4
P0[0]/RD1/TXD3/SDA146P0[0]   UART2/I2C251
P0[1]/TD1/RXD3/SCL147P0[1]   UART2/I2C22
P0[11]/RXD2/SCL2/MAT3[1]49P0[11]RXD2SCL2 UART2/I2C23
P0[10]/TXD2/SDA2/MAT3[0]48P0[10]TXD2SDA2 UART2/I2C24
P2[13]/EINT3/I2STX_SDA50P2[13]   GPIO61
P2[12]/EINT2/I2STX_WS51P2[12]   GPIO2
P2[11]/EINT1/I2STX_CLK52P2[11]   GPIO3
P3[25]/MAT0[0]/PWM1[2]27P3[25]   GPIO4
P0[22]/RTS1/TD156P0[22]   I2C171
P0[21]/RI1/RD157P0[21]   I2C12
P0[20]/DTR1/SCL158P0[20] SCL1 I2C13
P0[19]/DSR1/SDA159P0[19] SDA1 I2C14
P0[25]/AD0[2]/I2SRX_SDA/TXD37P0[25]AD0[2] TXD3ADC/UART081
P0[3]/RXD0/AD0[6]99P0[3]RXD0AD0[6] ADC/UART03
P0[2]/TXD0/AD0[7]98P0[2]TXD0AD0[7] ADC/UART04
P0[18]/DCD1/MOSI0/MOSI60P0[18] MOSI0 SPI091
P0[17]/CTS1/MISO0/MISO61P0[17] MISO0 SPI02
P0[15]/TXD1/SCK0/SCK62P0[15] SCK0 SPI04
P2[7]/RD2/RTS166P2[7]   GPIO101
P2[6]/PCAP1[0]/RI1/TRACECLK67P2[6]   GPIO2
P2[5]/PWM1[6]/DTR1/TRACEDATA[0]68P2[5]PWM1[6]  GPIO3
P2[4]/PWM1[5]/DSR1/TRACEDATA[1]69P2[4]PWM1[5]  GPIO4
P1[21]/MCABORT/PWM1[3]/SSEL035P1[21]   LED/GPIO111
P1[20]/MCI0/PWM1[2]/SCK034P1[20]   LED/GPIO2
P1[19]/MCOA0/USB_PPWR/CAP1[1]33P1[19]   LED/GPIO3
P1[18]/USB_UP_LED/PWM1[1]/CAP1[0]32P1[18]   LED/GPIO4
P0[5]/I2SRX_WS/TD2/CAP2[1]80P0[5]   UART3121
P0[4]/I2SRX_CLK/RD2/CAP2[0]81P0[4]   UART32
P4[29]/TX_MCLK/MAT2[1]/RXD385P4[29]  RXD3UART33
P4[28]/RX_MCLK/MAT2[0]/TXD382P4[28]  TXD3UART34
P2[8]/TD2/TXD265P2[8]   ENET0131
P3[26]/STCLK/MAT0[1]/PWM1[3]26P3[26]   ENET02
P1[10]/ENET_RXD190P1[10]ENET_RXD1  ENET2151

P0[9]/I2STX_SDA/MOSI1/MAT2[3]76P0[9]Reserved SDC MOSI1  SD Card
P0[8]/I2STX_WS/MISO1/MAT2[2]77P0[8]Reserved SDC MISO1  
P0[7]/I2STX_CLK/SCK1/MAT2[1]78P0[7]Reserved SDC SCK1  
P0[6]/I2SRX_SDA/SSEL1/MAT2[0]79P0[6]Reserved SDC SSEL1  
P0[29]/USB_D+29P0[29]Reserved USB_D+  USB
P0[30]/USB_D30P0[30]Reserved USB_D  
P2[9]/USB_CONNECT/RXD264P2[9]Reserved, USB P-drive  USB DFU P

Board Interfaces


USB Data

Hot-swap Controller and System Protection

Power Tree

System Power Monitoring

R1000AX includes an INA3221 high side supply monitor from TI. It monitors the high voltage, 5V and 3.3V domains.

INA3221 Channel #Voltage DomainOperating Range
1High voltage9 ~ 24V

EEPROM For Storing NV Configuration Data

R1000AX includes a small 8kbit EEPROM that can be used to store critical configuration data outside the MCU flash memory. This is useful for tracking changes, serial number ... etc. By default the EEPROM is write protected, the user enable write by 2 ways

Short J18 with a jumper

Connect TP1 on the bottom of the board to ground. This is useful for automated test setups

Compute Module

Currently there are 3 interposer designs that allow mounting a particle Electron, Photon or a C.H.I.P. Pro. Interposer board numbers are

#DescriptionModule to PCB MountingTop ViewBottom View
R1100C.H.I.P. Pro Interposer with Host USB 2.0 SMT soldered

R1101particle Photon InterposerSMT soldered

R1102particle Electron InterposerThrough-hole header

The compute module connects to the following signals on R1000AX:

R1000AX Signal NameDescriptionPolarityTypePhotonElectronC.H.I.P. Pro
!RESETLPC1769 reset pinActive LowOpen DrainA5A5PB2/SPDIF-DO/PWM0
ISP/Module ResetLPC1769 boot pin AND module resetActive LowOpen DrainA4A4PG13/EINT13/PWM1
SWDCLKLPC1769 SWD clock-Push-Pull, tie low or leave floating for normal operationA3A3PD4/UART2-CTS


Push-Pull, leave floating for normal operationA2A2PD5/UART2-RTS
RXD0LPC1769 UART0 RX pin-Input to LPC1769, output from compute moduleTXTXPD2/UART2-TX
TXD0LPC1769 UART0 TX pin-Output from LPC1769, input to compute moduleRXRXPD3/UART2-RX
COMPUTE_USB+/-Host USB from compute module (C.H.I.P. Pro)Differential PairUSB 2.0--USB0-UDM0/UDP0
+5V5V supply from R1000AX to power compute module-Power pinVINVINCHG-IN

This is the footprint for the compute module

The interposer is mounted on R1000AX using a right angled 100mil header connector


R1000AX PCB has dimensions of 175mm x 65.5mm, it includes 4x M3 mounting holes in the indicated positions.

Securing Modules

3D CAD and Case

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